Delivery Information

Shipping, Order Tracking, & Delivery

What are the delivery charges?

Price Finder offers free-of-cost delivery of every product.

Does Price Finder ship internationally?

No. Currently, we are only delivering in Pakistan.

Is an order tracking facility available?

Yes, you can track your order. You will have to log in to your Price Finder account for this.

Cancellations and Modifications

What is the process to cancel my order on Price Finder?

To cancel your order, please give us a call at [NUMBER]. Remember that the order cannot be canceled once it’s dispatched.

Can the shipping address be changed after the placement of the order?

No. The shipping address of the order cannot be modified once it’s placed. If you have entered the wrong address, it’s recommended to cancel the existing order and place a new one.

How long does it take to receive a refund after order cancellation?

Refunds are processed within 3 to 5 working days. The time it takes to reflect in your selected account depends on the method of payment.

Returns and Replacement

What is Prince Finder’s policy for return and replacement?

We only process return and replacement claims if the product is:

  • Different from what was advertised
  • Damaged or defective
  • Products returned on the basis of ‘change of mind’ are not accepted.

How much time does it take to process replacement?

A replacement is issued within 5 5o 7 business days.

What are the reasons for the refusal of the return claim?

A return claim can be refused in the following cases:

  • No product unboxing video
  • Issues reported after 3 days
  • Invalid reason
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